Spring Transfer

Students selected by the Office of Admission for spring admission will be able to join us on the Tallahassee campus after completing the fall semester at Tallahassee State College.

In order to be considered for this option, students must have applied for regular First-Year admission to the University.

Students who accept the Spring Transfer option must enroll in at least 15 semester hours of college credit at Tallahassee State College in the fall and must earn a minimum 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) college grade point average with no grade below C. If students take classes in the summer at TSC, their college GPA for that term must also be 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) with no grade below C. An official transcript with summer grades must be sent before the start of fall term. Our 15-hour fall requirement cannot be split between summer and fall, so if students take courses during the summer, they must still take 15 semester hours during the fall. College credit earned in high school through AICE, AP, CLEP, IB and/or dual enrollment cannot reduce the 15-hour fall requirement. Coursework must include ENC 1101 (English Composition) and either MAC 1105 (College Algebra, preferred math), MGF 1130 (Mathematical Thinking), or MGF 1131 (Mathematics in Context) depending on math placement and their major's math requirement, unless they have already earned comparable or higher-level course credit through an accelerated mechanism such as AICE, AP, CLEP, IB and/or dual enrollment. Students should refer to the Academic Program Guide for their major's math requirement, and to Accelerated Credit for college credit awarded through acceleration.


Frequently Asked Questions

If I earned over 15 credits in AICE, AP, IB, CLEP, and/or dual enrollment, do I still need 15 credit hours in fall to meet my Spring Transfer condition?

All first-year students who have accepted the Spring Transfer offer must take at least 15 credit hours in fall, regardless of how many credit hours earned before the start of fall semester.

Can I break up my 15 hours if I take college credit in the summer before the fall semester?

The 15 fall credit hours cannot be split between the summer and fall. If you take summer courses, you will still need to complete 15 credit hours in fall. In addition, you must send your official transcript with summer grades to FSU Admissions before the start of fall since you must have no grade below C and a minimum 3.0 summer term GPA.

How do I create my fall schedule and stay on track for my FSU major?

You will need to make sure you take a minimum of 15 credit hours of graded coursework in fall (not Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory). You must enroll in ENC 1101 and MAC 1105 (preferred math), MGF 1130, or MGF 1131, unless you have earned comparable or higher level college credit through AICE, AP, CLEP, IB, and/or dual enrollment. Refer to our accelerated credit policy for college credit awarded through an acceleration mechanism. Please note, if you have earned accelerated credit towards your English and/or math requirement, you must still take 15 credits in the fall. You should follow the Academic Program Guide for the specific math and any additional first-term requirements for your major, along with other recommended college courses. If you are uncertain on what courses to take, please contact FSU Admissions at 850.644.6200 or admissions@fsu.edu.

I know there is a math requirement for my major, but how do I know which math to take?

As a Spring Transfer student, you must successfully complete the required math for your intended major (MAC 1105, MGF 1130, or MGF 1131), unless you have earned comparable college credit for math through AICE, AP, CLEP, IB, and/or dual enrollment. Of the three, MAC 1105 (College Algebra) is the preferred math course. MAT 1033 (Intermediate Algebra), STA 2122, or STA 2023 (Statistics classes) are not approved first math course options for fall. Math classes at a higher level than MAC 1105, MGF 1130, or MGF 1131 (e.g., Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus) are allowed. If you are unsure what math your major requires, refer to the Academic Program Guide or call FSU Admissions at (850) 644-6200.

I am unable to register for MAC 1105, MGF 1130, or MGF 1131 as the required math for my major in fall. What math should I register for to keep my acceptance?

Your condition of admission into spring requires you to complete MAC 1105, MGF 1130, or MGF 1131, if you have not already earned comparable or higher level college credit for your math requirement through AICE, AP, CLEP, IB, and/or dual enrollment. If you do not have the appropriate math class completed by the end of fall, you are not eligible for spring enrollment at FSU. Check to make sure TSC has all ACT, AICE, AP, CLEP, CLT, IB, and SAT official score reports, and any dual enrollment college transcripts to assist with math placement for fall. Please note that MAT1033 and any statistics class (STA) are not acceptable fall term math courses for the first math requirement.

What if I take summer courses and do not do well? Can I still do my required 15 credits in fall?

One of your Spring Transfer conditions is to earn a minimum 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) college grade point average in fall with no grade below C (this means no C-). If you take courses in the summer, your college GPA for that term must also be 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) with no grade below C. A transcript with summer grades must be sent to FSU Admissions before the start of fall to show your summer admission conditions have been met. If you do not meet conditions, contact FSU Admissions immediately before the start of fall.

Is the Aspire Transfer Program connected to FSU's Spring Transfer option?

The Aspire Transfer Program is for TSC students who plan to earn the Florida Associate in Art's (AA) degree. While you are not earning the AA from TSC, you must enroll in their Aspire Transfer Program for fall term to receive the correct advising and TSC student benefits. As Tallahassee State College offers priority registration opportunities, we recommend applying to TSC early.

When I apply to Tallahassee State College, do I apply as a non-degree seeking or degree-seeking applicant?

For assistance in academic advising and financial aid at TSC, you should apply as an AA degree-seeking student.

Will my Bright Futures or Florida Prepaid apply to courses I take at TSC?

Yes; however, you must contact the Bright Futures and/or Florida Prepaid Office as soon as you register for TSC classes and let them know you will be attending TSC and would like your funds to be sent there.

For Bright Futures, TSC must be identified as your Post-Secondary Institution (PSI). To update your PSI, contact the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program customer service at 1 (888) 827-2004 or www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org.

For additional information on updating your Florida Prepaid, please see www.tsc.fl.edu/admissions/financial-aid/cashiers-office/fl-prepaid-program.

When do I need to send in transcripts and test scores?

The Office of Admissions requires an official, final high school transcript sent directly from your school to the University. If you have dual enrollment credit, you must also send an official college transcript(s). All official test scores (ACT, CLT, and/or SAT) must be sent by the respective testing agency to FSU. All official transcripts and test scores must be received by July 10, 2024. At that time we will compare the transcript with the submitted SSAR for accuracy and check your senior grades. Any SSAR inaccuracies and/or any grade below C in the senior year is subject to your admission being rescinded. A cumulative, dual enrollment college GPA below 2.0 will automatically cause your offer of admission to be rescinded. If you have taken any college courses in the summer after high school graduation, you will need to send FSU Admissions your official transcript before the start of fall term. Once fall grades have posted, a final official college transcript must be sent to show that you have met all the conditions of admission before starting your spring term at FSU.

All official AICE, AP, CLEP, IB results must be sent to the FSU Registrar from the respective testing agencies before the end of summer. Admitted students should complete the Accelerated Credit Form on the Application Status Check by early May in preparation of TSC's registration sessions.

Do I have access to Football Tickets and FSU athletic events?

If you are admitted for spring term, you may purchase general admission tickets for athletic events since your student status does not start until January. TSC Aspire students may request a promotional code discount for FSU Football Season Tickets through the FSU Ticket Office (availability subject to change due to stadium construction).

How do I get on-campus housing at FSU?

FSU is unable to offer on-campus housing in fall. Off-campus housing listings can be found at offcampushousing.fsu.edu. Do not delay your search as housing fills quickly. If needed, the spring FSU on-campus housing contract will be available in late fall. However, spring on-campus housing is not guaranteed. If you have additional questions regarding on-campus spring housing, please contact FSU Housing.

When is orientation?

Spring orientation registration will be made available in mid-fall through your my.fsu.edu account. To learn more about orientation, visit https://nsfp.fsu.edu/orientation. Students must complete the pre-orientation module online before they attend their on-campus orientation.

Does my Spring Transfer have an enrollment deposit or commitment fee?

Spring students do not have a commitment fee. You must complete all enrollment steps and meet all conditions of admission to enroll at Florida State University.

What are the benefits of attending Tallahassee State College for my fall semester as a Spring Transfer student?

Spring Transfer students who apply as degree-seeking applicants to Tallahassee State College before mid-May will have access to a TSC academic advisor who will assist in the priority registration process. Students and their advisors will work together to create a fall schedule that meets their FSU spring admission conditions and keeps them on-track for their intended major. Students should remind their TSC advisor about their Spring Transfer conditions and provide all accelerated credit (AICE, AP, CLEP, IB, and/or dual enrollment) history for correct course advising. TSC students who join the Tallahassee community starting in the fall are encouraged to secure nearby off-campus housing for the academic year. General admission tickets to FSU athletic events are available for purchase and FSU Spring Transfers may purchase a fall membership to the FSU Leach Student Recreation Center. FSU's Strozier and Dirac Libraries are open to TSC students by obtaining a Guest Card. Students are welcome to participate in community and school events held in downtown Tallahassee.